This SAFE STOP booklet is FREE to all young kids, teenagers and young adults (also adults). The information that I give you in this booklet can save your life. I’ve watched on TV so many Police shootings and attacks that could easily have been avoided. I have input in my booklet from a retired MICHIGAN STATE POLICE TROOPER and from retired LANSING POLICE OFFICERS….you need to be calm and ready when you leave your house and I’ll tell you in my booklet here how to live and survive any Police stop. If you are a Business I am looking for sponsors to pay $19.99 per booklet. I can send the booklets directly to you or to any youth group or organization of your choice. I am trying to give away 500,000 of my booklets that I truly believe will help save lives. If you are a individual who just want to order a booklet or many booklets please do so. I thank you in advance because I have seen too many Police shootings on TV that easily could have been avoided if the person who was stopped tried deescalating the situation calmly and following simple Police commands. I hope I truly can make a difference by writing this booklet.
Jay Vincent